Requirements for the NOWATCH to vibrate

Your NOWATCH and app must be connected for a vibration to occur. This means the following:

  1. Your NOWATCH and mobile device are within Bluetooth range and your device is properly connected to the app.

  2. The NOWATCH app is open or running in the background.


  • Prolonged Stress vibration:

    • The Prolonged Stress vibration option should be enabled.

    • Prolonged Stress vibrations will occur only if both the current value and the average value of your stress estimate over the last 5 minutes or more, depending on your customisation, exceed the threshold.

  • Random vibration:

    • The Random vibration option should be enabled.

    • Random Vibrations occur between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm and will happen up to the number of times you have selected.

If the vibrations in Prolonged Stress and Random modes feel weaker than expected or stop triggering altogether, try performing a soft reset of the device to restore the vibration function.

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